
Brand values are the beliefs, values, and principles that guide a brand's actions and behaviors and shape how it is perceived by its customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Brand values reflect the core beliefs and principles of the organization and serve as a foundation for the Brand's Personality and Identity.

Academics and scholars have proposed several definitions of brand values, which are the beliefs, values, and principles that impact a brand's actions and behaviors and affect how the Brand is seen by its stakeholders. Some notable definitions of brand values include:

"The set of values that underlie the brand's promise to customers, employees, and other stakeholders." (Aaker, 1996)

"The specific set of values that guide the actions of a brand, and that shape the way that the brand is perceived by its customers, employees, and other stakeholders." (Setiono, 2003)

"The guiding principles and beliefs that shape the identity and reputation of a brand, and that influence customer perceptions and behaviors." (Henderson, 2005)

"The set of values that reflect the core beliefs and principles of a brand, and that guide the actions and behaviors of the organization." (Ambler, 2006)

"The set of values that reflect the purpose and mission of a brand, and that guide the decision-making and actions of the organization." (Oswalt, 2007)

Overall, brand values are an essential aspect of branding, and academics and researchers have proposed a range of definitions that reflect the diverse roles that brand values play in shaping a brand's Personality, Identity, and performance.

To find out more about Brand Values, see our Complete Guide