
Brand Hierarchy is the systematic arrangement of a company's different brands and sub-brands in a logical and sequential order. This hierarchical arrangement is based on factors such as brand recognition, loyalty, and value. Brand hierarchy aims to create a clear, consistent, and easily recognizable brand structure that helps build a strong brand identity.

Brand hierarchy helps companies manage their different brands effectively and make informed decisions about the branding strategy. In a brand hierarchy, the parent or flagship brand is placed at the top, and the sub-brands or product lines are positioned below it. This arrangement allows companies to leverage the equity of their parent brand while still creating a distinct identity for their sub-brands.

Brand hierarchy is a critical aspect of brand architecture, as it helps to define and organize the relationships between different elements within a brand portfolio. In a brand hierarchy, the parent brand is positioned at the top and serves as the main identifier of the brand portfolio. At the same time, subsidiary or sub-brands occupy lower levels and help to reinforce the parent brand's identity and values. 

A well-designed brand hierarchy clarifies the relationship between different brands, enabling customers to recognize and differentiate between products and services easily and enabling companies to leverage the equity of their parent brand to build brand loyalty and enhance brand recognition. In addition, by helping to build and reinforce brand identity, brand hierarchy is an important tool for building and managing a strong, cohesive brand portfolio.

Effective brand hierarchy can bring several benefits to a company. It can help create a clear and consistent brand image, facilitate brand recognition, build brand equity, and improve marketing efforts. A well-structured brand hierarchy can also help companies better manage their brand portfolios and streamline their branding efforts.

In essence, brand hierarchy is an important aspect of brand management that helps create a clear and recognizable brand structure. Companies can effectively manage their different brands, build brand equity, and improve their marketing efforts by having a well-structured brand hierarchy.