
A brand gap is a difference between what a brand promises and what it actually delivers. A brand gap can negatively affect consumer perception and lead to losing brand loyalty.

Brand Gap is a term first introduced by Martin Neumeier in his book "The Brand Gap." The concept refers to the difference between what a brand promises to deliver and what it actually delivers. Neumeier argues that this gap is a major cause of brand failure and that bridging it is crucial for creating a successful brand. He posits that this gap is created by the disconnect between the brand's strategy, identity, and communication. 

The Brand Gap highlights the importance of aligning these three elements in order to build a consistent and effective brand. In his book, Neumeier provides a framework for bridging the Brand Gap and creating a strong brand by closing the gap between what a brand promises and what it delivers. This framework has become an important reference for brand professionals and is widely used in brand management and marketing.

The brand gap can occur due to a misalignment of branding strategies or poor execution of a brand promise. Brands can bridge the gap by conducting regular audits, gathering customer feedback, and regularly refining their brand strategy.

Closing the brand gap is crucial to the long-term success of a brand. By delivering on their promise, brands can build trust and strengthen the emotional connection with consumers. Brands that successfully close their brand gap are better equipped to compete in their respective industries and ultimately drive business growth.