
Brand Experience refers to the customer's overall perception and feelings when interacting with a brand. It encompasses all touchpoints, including advertising, product design, customer service, packaging, and more. A strong brand experience creates a lasting and positive impression in the customer's mind, leading to increased loyalty and advocacy.

The concept of brand experience has gained prominence in recent years as companies have come to understand the importance of creating a holistic and memorable experience for customers. A well-crafted brand experience can set a company apart from its competitors and drive customer engagement.

According to academic and Branding expert Kevin Lane Keller, "Brand experience is the total of all experiences a customer has with a brand, from awareness and discovery to purchase, use, and repurchase." (Keller, 2013)

In the digital age, the brand experience is no longer limited to physical touchpoints but extends to online and mobile experiences. As a result, companies must consider the customer's entire journey with the brand and ensure that the experience is consistent across all channels.

Brand experience development has evolved over time, starting with traditional advertising and moving towards more experiential marketing techniques such as events, activations, and customer journeys. Today, companies use technology such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality to create immersive brand experiences.

To put it briefly, the brand experience is a crucial component of a company's overall branding strategy. A strong brand experience can increase customer loyalty, advocacy, and general brand equity. Companies must strive to create a consistent and memorable experience across all touchpoints to build a strong brand.